Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Superimposing Idiosyncrasies

 I'm constantly fascinated and frustrated by people who keep superimposing their ideosyncrancies onto others.  For example, they will insist you have some mental health disorder that you never have been diagnosed with even though you have been seen by several mental health professionals voluntarily.  It's basically a beef of putting people in boxes that they really don't belong in, but keeping them in this box anyway, and treating them as such.  It really speaks to the person's mental health condition who put you in the box or boxes.  It's usually because they belong in that particular box or label, and project it onto the other person.  Sadly, they are the ones who truly need to get professional help, but they never do.  Even when seeing a professional, they either spoon feed the professional what they want them to know, or they choose professionals that can be easily manipulated.  These people tend to hop from one professional to the other.  I'm not against getting professional help.  I have a Master's in Psychology.  I have worked as a Neuroscientist doing Alzheimer's research, and I have switched careers to Mental Health Counselor.  I advocate for getting counseling even if you are just going through a rough patch, and need some help.  But, please do not put your problems onto others!  People have enough problems without having to carry yours too.  Lol!

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